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Corona Cares. Corona Connects. Aztecs Achieve. Aztecs Advance

History of the School

The Corona Tradition of Excellence

Corona del Sol Letter logo w/Corona


Our school maintains a long tradition of commitment to excellence in academics, activities, and athletics. Located in southern Tempe, Corona del Sol opened its doors in 1977, and as the population of the local area has grown, so has Corona. The name Corona del Sol means Crown of the Sun.

From our earliest days, Corona students and staff strove for excellence, as accumulated achievements and accolades demonstrate. The Corona del Sol team is committed to providing each student with an exceptional, diverse, and comprehensive high school experience. 

In 2009, Corona was named the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona Blue Cup Award Winner. This accolade honors “the Pinnacle of Excellence in High School Activities, Scholastics and Athletics” and is the greatest award an Arizona high school can receive from the AIA. Our students’ many individual honors include over 100 National Merit Scholarship finalists, over 40 Arizona state athletic championships and runner-up championships, superior band, choir, and orchestra ratings, and newspaper, yearbook, and art awards of excellence. 

In recent years, test data and honors awarded to Corona students continue to show no sign of stopping. In the 2008-09 school year alone, our Brainstorm team took the state championship title for the second time in three years, and our Competition Government team likewise placed first in the state and twelfth in the country at the national competition in Washington, D.C. Members of our class of 2009 included a two-time state champion in Lincoln-Douglas debate, an unprecedented four Coca-Cola Scholarship recipients, and an unheard-of five students offered the Flinn Foundation Scholarship.