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Attendance Policies

Parents: High school attendance is ultimately the responsibility of the student and his/her family. It is important that parents and students recognize the direct relationship that exists between academic success and regular school attendance. Students should remain out of school only when absolutely necessary.

Students are allowed 10 absences (excused or unexcused) per semester. The eleventh total absence may result in loss of credit unless there are extenuating circumstances.  School-related absences do not count toward your student’s total absences.

You may access your student’s grades and attendance through PARENTVUE on the school website.
Please contact the library if you need assistance with PARENTVUE.

Attendance Hotline: 480-752-8855

Attendance Office Hours:  7 AM to 3:30 PM
Reporting Student Absences
To report an absence, please access the voice mail system at the number listed above. Only parents or legal guardians may excuse absences. In order for an absence to be excused, the parent or guardian must call the Attendance Office within 48 hours of the absence.

 Types of Absences

ABSENCE: A student who does not attend a class or arrives 10 or more minutes late is considered absent.
EXCUSED ABSENCE: An absence is legitimate under the following conditions:
  • Personal illness
  • Doctor or dentist appointment (which cannot be made before or after school)
  • Serious family illness
  • Death in family or of a close friend
  • Important family business
  • Religious holiday
UNEXCUSED ABSENCE: Any absence that is not excused within 48 hours of the absence by a parent or guardian is recorded as unexcused. Students are still accountable for information missed while they are out. Teachers are recommended to give no credit for any test, assignment, or other work missed due to unexcused absences.
SCHOOL-RELATED ABSENCE: If a student misses a class due to a pre-approved school-related activity, it will not count as an absence.
SUSPENSION: Even though the suspension is considered a serious consequence for discipline issues, the days missed while suspended do not count as absences for purposes of keeping track of days missed from school. Suspended students remain responsible for any and all makeup work.

Parental Notification of Absences

Automated attendance calls for students with an absence will be made daily to the primary phone number listed on the student’s record. If you have questions or concerns regarding an attendance call, please contact the student's teacher for that period by telephone or email.

If absences are excessive, an attendance contract may be discussed and signed by the Attendance Coordinator and student.

After the 11th total absence in a class, the student will be referred to an administrator to be dropped. The student should continue attending his/her class until he/she is contacted by an administrator. Students who are dropped for excessive absences do not receive credit for the class. Furthermore, a student dropped after the tenth week of the semester will be withdrawn from that class with an F.

Checking out through Attendance Office

How to Excuse a Student during the School Day
When a student needs to be excused for an appointment or other appropriate reason, you may choose one of the following options:

  • Send a note with him/her to bring to the attendance office at the beginning of the school day. This will ensure your student will be down in the office when you arrive to pick him/her up.
  • Call the Attendance number and choose the Off-Campus Pass request hotline.
    • Please be sure to leave your message ONE hour prior to the time you would like the student to leave campus. This will ensure your student will be down in the office when you arrive to pick him/her up. 
  • If your student can drive themselves, you may use either of the above options to allow himself/herself to leave campus for an appointment or other appropriate reason.
  • If you choose to come in and check your student out in the attendance office, please be sure to allow enough time to sign him/her out, and for attendance to send someone to bring your student down to the office.
Excusing 9th—11th Grade Students during Lunch
Should parents or legal guardians need their student to leave campus during lunchtime, the parent or legal guardian must personally visit the attendance office to complete the checkout process. A note or phone call cannot be accepted in these cases.
When returning to school, students must always check-in at the attendance office so that the time can be noted and students can be admitted to class.

Homework and Makeup Work

It is the responsibility of the student and/or parent to contact teachers for homework. Students are allowed the number of days missed in order to make up assignments, tests, or other work. In the case of long-term projects, such as research papers or reports, it is the teacher’s prerogative to set specific due dates, and it is the student’s responsibility to submit long-term projects on these specific due dates regardless of whether an absence is excused or unexcused. If extenuating circumstances exist (i.e., an extreme emergency or extended illness), students may be given an extension; however, parents must notify the teacher prior to or on the due date when an emergency arises.
Homework Requests
If your student is going to be out for more than three days, you may email the teachers directly with homework requests. Email links may be found on the Corona website, organized by the department.

If you do not have an e-mail, call the school at 480-752-8888 and ask to be transferred to the necessary teacher(s). Homework requested from teachers in this manner may be picked up in the front office at a time you have arranged with the teachers.


Students who report to class late, but within 10 minutes of the late bell, are considered tardy. Students marked tardy repeatedly may be referred for disciplinary action.

If a student arrives late to the first period, he or she will not be admitted to class but instead must proceed to sweep. If a parent or legal guardian does not check the student in through the attendance office or a note is not provided by a physician, the student must report to sweep in room E-052. Two sweeps in one week will result in one day of lunch clean-up for the offending student. Failure to appear for lunch clean-up will result in a one-day suspension.

Students arriving late after the first period is over must always check in through the front office upon arrival. Parents may send a note with the student or call the attendance office to excuse the absence and/or tardy.