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Corona Cares. Corona Connects. Aztecs Achieve. Aztecs Advance

Courses & Services

The Special Education Department works to provide the appropriate level of support to each and every student in a variety of classroom settings. Students can receive their education in settings that may include the general education classroom, a co-taught general education classroom, resource classroom, and a fully self-contained classroom.

The following is a list of courses offered through the Special Education Department. For a description of each course, please refer to the Curriculum Catalog.

Course offerings vary year to year. Please contact the Special Education Department with any questions.


Basic Freshman English

Basic Sophomore English

Basic Junior English

Basic Senior English

Basic Reading



Basic Arithmetic

Basic Algebra 1

Basic Geometry

Basic Algebra 2

Basic Consumer Math


Social Studies

Intro World History/Geography

Intro American/Arizona History

Intro Government

Intro Economics



Intro Physical World

Intro Living World



Adaptive PE


Special Education Support

Study Skills 1-2


Transition Courses

Career Readiness

Career Pathways

Next Steps

Bridge to Success


Functional Classes

Functional Academics

Community Education

Functional Daily Living Skills

Functional Workplace Skills



Special Education Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What do I do if I have concerns about my child’s IEP?

A: First contact your child’s case manager. If you are unsure of who that may be, contact the Special Education Department.

Q: What is the role of the case manager?

A: The case manager is the first point of contact. They help develop the IEP, answer questions, and serve as an advocate for your child.

Q: What if the case manager can’t help?

A: The case manager will work with the Department Chair. If the Department Chair can’t resolve the problem, contact will be made with either one of the principals or the Director of Educational Services.

Q: What do I do if I have a question regarding my child's progress in one of their classes?

A: Email the teacher of record directly with any question. They should respond within 24 hours. You can find their email addresses on the Corona Staff Directory. Make sure to include the case manager in the email as well, in case problems arise.

Q: What are the differences between accommodations and modifications?

A: Accommodations do not fundamentally alter or lower the class standard. Modifications are changes in the classroom instruction or expectations which DO fundamentally alter or lower the standard or expectations of the instructional objectives. All accommodations and modifications need to be agreed upon by the IEP team and relate to a student’s disability.