AP Language
AP Spanish Language
The AP (Advanced Placement) program prepares students for the AP exam which is generally taken at the end of the 4th year of language study. This exam, prepared by the College Board, is offered nationally in most disciplines and is regarded by most universities as the best measure of proficiency in a subject area. Although students specifically prepare for the test in the AP Spanish Language course (4th year),the beginning courses in Spanish are essential in forming a sound language foundation. We believe that our 4-year curricular plan successfully prepares students for this credit opportunity.
Some AP Benefits include:
- "Selective" universities, such as Harvard, USC, Cornell, etc. state that "...[AP courses] carry the most weight in admission decisions...", when comparing candidates that have received college credit though various programs.
- Students can earn up to 14 college credits (a few universities offer more) in their language program. Depending on their score, credits range from 200 to 300+ level courses.
- University surveys show that students prepared in High School AP courses are at a higher level of proficiency than their college counterparts. This suggests that these students will be better prepared for future classes.
- AP results are accurate placement indicators, and even at the lowest passing score, fulfill university language placement requirements without "testing-out"
- The cost of the AP exam is approximately $90.00 and scholarships or fundraising opportunities are available if needed.