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Distinctive Programs

eLabels for Education

What is eLabels for Education?
The Labels for Education® program has been supporting U.S. schools and awarding free educational equipment to schools in exchange for proofs of purchase from participating products since 1973. Labels for Education is offering an even easier way for you to support Corona del Sol High School. eLabels for Education is an addition to the program being offered through participating retailers. After registering for eLabels for Education, every time you purchase eligible Labels for Education products at any one of the participating stores, Corona del Sol will automatically receive one point for every participating product purchased with your Shoppers Card. The points you earn will be automatically deposited into Corona's Labels for Education account. Corona del Sol can then redeem these points for valuable educational merchandise available through the Labels for Education Catalog.
How do I Register for eLabels for Education?

  1. Simply go to the Labels for Education site (link above) and follow the instructions to set up your Labels for Education® account. Registration steps are as follows: Enter your first and last name, email address, choose & confirm password, date of birth, (must be at least 18 to register), zip code, and the participating retailer where you shop. Then choose whether you would like to receive informational emails from Labels for Education, answer 2 simple questions, and accept the program rules and regulations by clicking on the appropriate box.
  2. Next, enter your Shopper Card number from a participating retailer in the appropriate box to receive 1-point for each participating product purchased using your Shopper Card.
  3. You will then be prompted to select the school(s) you would like to receive your Labels for Education points. You can find your school by doing the following, enter the School Name, City and State or Zip code. When your school appears, click on the box next to it to select. If your school does not appear, click here for information about how you can help sign up your school for the Labels for Education program.
  4. If you would like to distribute points to more than one school, you can select up to 5 schools to receive your points. Simply click the box next to each school that you would like to receive the points. Points will be distributed equally between your chosen schools unless you revise the percentage going to each school manually.
  5. Click "Submit" and you are done! You can start earning 1 point for each participating product purchase that you make using your shopper card at your favorite participating retailer today! *Remember eLabels for Education supplements the regular Labels for Education program so you can still clip and redeem participating product UPCs to earn the face value of the Labels for Education points.

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