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Athletics Policies | AIA Rules of Eligibility

AIA Rules of Eligibility

During the years in which you represent your high school in the Interscholastic Activities Program, you must adhere to your high school participation rules and those approved by member schools of the Arizona Interscholastic Association. Some of the more commonly asked rules are stated:
  • Any TUHSD student who wishes to participate in interscholastic athletics must first take home an Athletic Card which must be signed by the student's parent or guardian, and witnessed by a School Administrator or Notary Public, giving permission for him/her to participate.
  • No student shall be eligible to be issued equipment, to engage in practice, or to compete until there is on file with the Activities Office, a physical examination form. This form states, in the opinion of the examining physician, the student is fully able to compete in athletic contests.
  • An athlete shall be enrolled in a minimum of five (5) credit classes the first (6) semesters, and a minimum of four (4) credit classes the seventh (7th) and eighth (8th) semesters.
  • An athlete shall pass all classes the preceding 9 weeks to be eligible for interscholastic activities.
  • An Athlete shall be enrolled no later than the 14th official school day of the semester to be eligible.
  • An Athlete enrolled in a four (4) year high school shall have the opportunity to compete in not more than four (4) seasons in each sport, and only eight consecutive semesters after he/she first enrolls in the grade.
  • An Athlete shall be ineligible if he/she becomes 19 years of age on or before September 1. A certified copy of the birth certificate shall be required of all contestants participating in a sport.
  • An Athlete, whether an adult or not, is privileged with eligibility only at the school in the attendance area in which his/her parents or legal guardian are domiciled.
  • An Athlete who transfers from one high school to another high school without an accompanying change of attendance zone and domicile of his/her parents is eligible to participate in interscholastic activities in the school to which he transfers, except in activities in which the student has competed in interscholastic competition during the twelve (12) months preceding the date of such transfer or until his or her parents become domiciled in that school attendance zone. (See Athletic Director for exceptions.)
  • An Athlete who is a member of a school team shall not practice or compete for/ or with any other group, club, organization, association, in that same sport during the interscholastic season of competition of that sport.
  • An Athlete shall not compete for money or other monetary compensation.
  • An Amateur Athlete shall participate and always have participated under his/her own name.