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Corona Cares. Corona Connects. Aztecs Achieve. Aztecs Advance

Assistant Principal, Athletics

Sylvester Glover

Welcome to Corona del Sol Athletics, Home of the Aztecs! Corona has been producing successful student-athletes since its inception in 1978. The members of the Corona del Sol community take great pride in producing winners in the classroom and on the field of competition.

CdS Athletics Office

Concussion Education and Testing

Keeping in mind that the health and safety of our student-athletes is our number one priority, we at CdS are in the process of working with the Arizona Interscholastic Association along with "BrainBook" to provide concussion education and awareness. In addition, we have partnered with IMPACT to provide baseline concussion testing.

The first part of our program is through the AIA and is an education and awareness online program called BrainBook. This can be done at home or at school on the student's free time. Parent monitoring of this online education tutorial is welcomed but not required. The athlete will go to, click on "BrainBook," register as a student, and complete the 25-45 minute tutorial and a short test. Once this is done, the athlete prints off the completion certification with his/her name and turns the certificate into his/her coach.

All student-athletes must complete the BrainBook tutorial and submit a certificate before being cleared for practice or tryouts.
 Students who completed BrainBook for a previous sport at Corona do not need to complete the tutorial again.
As the second step of this safety program, our certified athletic trainers and coaches will be assisting student-athletes who are out for our sports with the IMPACT program which tests and gives results for baseline cognitive recognition, reasoning, and reaction. This test may be a valuable tool in the event an athlete might sustain a concussion, and a decision would be made regarding return to practice or competition. This testing is done at school, is coordinated by CdS Certified Trainer Scott Mason, and is monitored by our staff. We intend to test all athletes in the fall, winter, and spring sports seasons.
Thank you!