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College & Career Resources & Events

Student Services counselors meeting with students

Tempe Union's School Counseling Departments implement the state-mandated ECAP (Education and Career Action Plan) with all students through classroom lessons, small group activities, and individual advising.

In order to meet future workplace challenges, the state recognizes that planning should occur early in a student’s academic career. Therefore, our school counselors guide students in creating the ECAP starting in 9th Grade and integrating into all four years of high school, which includes interest inventories, skills assessments, four-year high school educational plans, career exploration, college and degree research, and financial assistance searches.

We are pleased to introduce Maia Learning — Used by all TUHSD students to create their ECAPs, including making 4-year plans for post-secondary education.  Students use character assessments to help them discover more about themselves and the careers and majors they may want to pursue. Students and families will use this tool to make plans for careers, colleges, and financial aid.

Maia Learning Logo

Maia Learning (website) allows students AND parents/families to:
  • Create plans for the future — Create goals, academic plans, and complete tasks assigned by the school to better prepare students for future college and career goals.

  • Get involved in the planning and advising process — Manage timelines and deadlines for making decisions about high school classes and for colleges and careers.

  • Research careers — Take interest and skill assessments and research related careers responsibilities, work activities, required education/degree, academic knowledge, skills, interests, salary and potential growth.

  • Research colleges — Identify colleges by searching locations, type of school, programs, sports, diversity, create a personalized list of colleges interested in and applying to and manage applications, documents sent and decisions.

  • Explore college options Visit with college representatives who come to campus, see upcoming district, local and state college fairs, and participate in virtual college fairs and webinars.

  • Discover local and national scholarships — Built-in financial aid research tools allow you to find means to fund your post-secondary experience and track financial awards and scholarships earned.

  • Keep an academic portfolio — Keep goals and journals, track extracurricular activities and community service, upload photos of experiences, and build a resume.